Stickfigure Gardening with Leonardo de Stickfigure

Stickfigure Gardening with Leonardo de Stickfigure
The Stickfigure Family

Friday, January 31, 2003

Thursday, January 30, 2003

Garden Party

Transplanted "Garden Party" rose from Grandma Holt's to the Shangrila's garden.

Daffodils are starting to push through.

Saturday, January 25, 2003

First birdhouse.

Happy BD Mandy!

I made a birdhouse for her. She sent me a nice thank you card. They put it on the side of a huge tree out in the country. ("They" being Hugh and Mandy)

Friday, January 17, 2003


Went to Biscotti's Coffee Shop in Sand Springs and the food was very good. Across the street is a vacant lot that the community had converted into a garden. There were benches to sit on and enjoy the place. Sand Springs has always caught my interest.